Water technology, water supply, waste water treatment

Damping of artificial wetlands

Kolmatace je zcela přirozeným jevem, ale v umělých mokřadech využívaných k čištění a dočišťování odpadních vod je jevem nežádoucím. Proto je nutné při návrhu a provozování umělých mokřadů dodržovat zásady, které mohou vznik a rozvoj kolmatace významně omezit.

Use of wastewater­‑based epidemiology for monitoring of illicit drugs consumption in Czech and international context

This paper presents a brief summary of information about the project Determination of the amount of illicit drugs and their metabolites in municipal wastewater – new tool for obtaining of complementary data on illicit drug consumption in the Czech Republic and about the 2nd International Conference on “Wastewater‑based drug epidemiology“, which was held from 11.–15. 10. 2015 in Ascona, Switzerland.

Water quality in drinking water reservoir Švihov on Želivka river and its river basin, with focus on specific organic compounds

River basin of the largest drinking water reservoir Švihov on the Želivka River is distinctly anthropogenically affected both by direct human activities and also by the agriculture. The quality of the surface water is endangered in long-term period mainly by the eutrophication, pesticides pollution and erosion.