Hydrochemistry, radioecology, microbiology, hydrobiology

Selected licit and illicit drugs in surface water in sampling profiles near wastewater treatment plant outlets

The majority of the population (85 %) in the Czech Republic is connected to the public sewerage network of almost 3,000 wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Municipal wastewater contains a number of substances providing information on the state of the population. This information is evaluated by Wastewater-Based Epidemiology (WBE). A WWTP does not remove all contaminants that are discharged into the recipient. In this study, the loading of a recipient with selected licit and illicit drugs was monitored.

The jewels of our running waters and their protection

Freshwater ecosystems are among the most threatened habitats in the world [1]. This is the result of many factors that, individually and in combination, directly affect the degradation of freshwater ecosystems. The biggest problem for these habitats is climate change. Its consequence is drying up, as well as many anthropogenic negative impacts, such as eutrophication, drainage, introduction of invasive species, and overall environmental degradation [1]. Given these facts, species inhabiting sensitive aquatic environments are among the most endangered plant and animal species in the world.

The issue of antimicrobial resistance in the aquatic environment of the Czech Republic

Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) has emerged as a high priority global problem in recent decades. Its severity lies in the critically increasing number of pathogenic bacteria that carry resistance genes to previously common antibiotics, making them a health threat. The emergence of resistance is a consequence of the long-term misuse of antibiotics in human medicine and veterinary praxis (with the most significant contribution from developing countries). In 2017, the UN warned that the issue is not limited to these areas and that the environment can also be a significant reservoir and vector for the spread of AMR. The issue has been included in the „One Health“ initiative, which is based on a collaborative approach to combat AMR across the health, agriculture and environment sectors. AMR enters the aquatic environment in the form of resistant bacterial strains (ARB) or resistance genes (ARG) shed by patients through municipal wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), runoff or agricultural wastes.

17th conference Radionuclides and ionizing radiation in water management

The annual conference Radionuclides and ionizing radiation in water management took place on 21st and 22nd May 2024 at the Clarion Hotel in České Budějovice. The expert guarantor was Ing. Barbora Sedlářová (TGM WRI) and the organizational guarantor was Jan Kříž (ČVTVHS, z. s.). The conference was attended by 63 experts, of which 58 from the Czech Republic and 5 from Slovak Republic.

Interview with Mgr. Mark Výborný, Minister of Agriculture

Mr Výborný is participating in preparations for the construction of new reservoirs in the Czech Republic and is planning to build new pumped storage waterpower stations. According to the Minister, the priority in the field of water management is mainly the development of water supply and sewerage infrastructure, including drinking water treatment plants and wastewater treatment plants, technological measures to retain water in the landscape, construction and restoration of small water reservoirs and ponds, development of water supply systems, and also the modernization of existing irrigation systems. Mgr. Marek Výborný told VTEI about his first year as Minister of Agriculture and the objective he would like to achieve in this position.

First experience with measurement of phosphorus retention in the Lhotsk stream using TASCC method

Eutrophication of watercourses and reservoirs, specifically the enormous phosphorus load on water, has been the biggest problem for water management in the Czech Republic for several decades. Budget models are effective support for rational solution; apart from resources, they must include the river network characterization, i.e. the retention of phosphorus in streams. A direct method for measuring phosphorus retention in watercourses under well-defined conditions, i.e. a method providing generalizable retention parameters, is fundamentally lacking and it could significantly increase the accuracy of the current models. It seems that TASCC method (Tracer Additions for Spiraling Curve Characterization) has such potential. In this article, we describe its first application in the Czech Republic, namely in the experimental basin of the Lhotsk stream (Beneov district).

Emerging contaminants in wastewater – results of Joint Danube Survey 4 evaluated via the grey water footprint

The Joint Danube Survey (JDS4), organized in 2019, provided a unique dataset on the occurrence of several hundred newly identified contaminants of emerging concern (CEC) in waters of the Danube river basin, including wastewater from selected wastewater treatment plants. In this study, published JDS4 data were used to assess the significance of individual substances identified in wastewater using the grey water footprint approach. Determining all newly identified contaminants is time-consuming and expensive, so it is reasonable to focus on the „most problematic“ substances. The advantage of the grey water footprint assessment is conversion of the amount of discharged pollutants into the volume of water needed for dilution to an environmentally ‘safe level’, allowing comparison of different substances. Based on JDS4 data, out of several hundreds of substances detected, 33 were identified as potentially risky, according to set criteria. However, this list cannot be taken as definitive, as the level of knowledge about the harmfulness of individual substances quickly develops with regard to the risk currently attributed to them. Similarly, the JDS4 dataset reflects a specific data collection methodology, which may not capture all connections related to the impact of the occurrence of new substances on the environment.

Wastewater analysis as a tool for investigating drug abuse in education institutes

The wastewater based epidemiology (WBE) approach to wastewater has long been used for monitoring drug consumption, especially in urban agglomerations. In this pilot project, it was applied to detect drug use in selected educational establishments. The tests took place in both primary (age 6–15) and secondary schools (age 12–19). The focus was on illicit drugs (marijuana, methamphetamine, amphetamine, cocaine, and ecstasy), as well as the licit drug nicotine and its metabolites. Ephedrine was also monitored. Grab samples were taken before the start of classes between 7:30 and 8:05 a.m., and during the so-called big break, i.e., between 9:30 and 10:00 a.m., or 10:30–11:00 a.m.
Sampling was carried out on two dates, at the beginning of June and at the end of September/beginning of October 2022. There were positive find-ings for THC, ephedrine, methamphetamine and nicotine metabolites, primarily trans-3-hydroxy-cotinine. In accordance with the possibilities of the pilot project, the number of monitored schools was very small. In order to objectively determine the situation in educational facilities, it would be appropriate to monitor a more representative group, which would include, for example, vocational schools. It is also worth considering another method of sampling wastewater, e.g., several hours’ composite samples. However, in many educational institutions, this method may not be feasi-ble.

The influence of wastewater on microbial contamination of the Vltava below Prague

In terms of public health protection, the most important indicator in surface water monitoring is microbial fecal contamination. Despite the introduc-tion of the best available technologies, their biggest source is treated and untreated municipal wastewater. Around 90 % of the Czech population use their local sewerage system, which is linked to a WWTP, treated, and discharged into recipient waters. Monitoring of microbial contamination of the Vltava below Prague CWWTP showed a level of fecal pollution in the 10 km section below the wastewater inflow in periods with different flow rates. Smaller tributaries of the Vltava, which bring treated wastewater from local WWTPs to the Vltava, were monitored as additional sources. From April 2022 to March 2023, the amount of Escherichia coli, enterococci, thermotolerant coliform bacteria, and Clostridium perfringens were monitored at ten sampling sites. The monitoring results showed relatively significant microbial pollution of the Vltava from Prague CWWTP dis-charge and, at the same time, the river’s substantial self-cleaning ability in the following section. This creates good potential for the river’s future utilization in the monitored area, with the exception of the section directly affected by the inflow of treated wastewater from Prague CWWTP. This study could be used to raise public awareness in order to minimize the health risk caused by the river’s inappropriate utilization (possible presence of pathogenic microorganisms, including carriers of antimicrobial resistance).

Wastewater based epidemiology, determination of selected illicit drugs and Covid-19 pandemic

The World Health Organization (WHO) declared an outbreak of a global health emergency on 30th January 2020 and a pandemic caused by Covid-19 in March of the same year. In our paper, we tried to find out if and how this situation affected drug consumption from the perspective of wastewater analysis. We compared the results of weekly sampling events from 2019, 2020, 2021 and 2022, which took place at approximately the same period of the year, but in 2020, 2021, and 2022 were affected by the state of emergency and other pandemic-related measures. We monitored the concentration of selected drugs – THC, methamphetamine, MDMA, cocaine, and some of their metabolites (amphetamine and benzoylecgonine) in wastewater samples taken at the inflow to wastewater treatment plants. According to our measurements, virtually all monitored drugs experienced changes in their consumption.

Native versus invasive crayfish in the Czech Republic

A decrease in species diversity is a negative consequence of many human activities. The number of native animal and plant species is decreas-ing, their populations are shrinking or completely disappearing, the number of endangered species is increasing, and non-native species are spreading. Global problems are perhaps most evident in the example of freshwater ecosystems.
Invasions of non-native species, associated with high cultural-sociological and economic losses, are currently considered one of the most sig-nificant factors in the decline of species diversity. For these reasons, the issue of non-native species is receiving considerable attention world-wide.
There are currently six species of crayfish living in the wild in the Czech Republic, of which only two are native: noble crayfish (Astacus asta-cus) and stone crayfish (Austropotamobius torrentium). Narrow-clawed crayfish (Astacus leptodactylus) is a European species but not native to the Czech Republic. Other species – signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus), spiny-cheek crayfish (Orconectes limosus), and marbled crayfish (Procambarus fallax) come from North America and are invasive species [1, 3].

Assessment of trends in concentrations of chemical and physico-chemical indicators of the status of surface water bodies

This article presents the results of trend assessment of selected chemical and physicochemical indicators of surface water status. The assessment approach is based on a similar procedure for assessing significant upward trends of pollutants and trend reversals in groundwater bodies. The procedure is based on measured concentrations from 2010 to 2018 and estimates concentrations at the end of 2021, 2024, and 2027. For the trend assessment, data from Czech river basin state enterprises were used to assess the ecological status/potential and the chemical status of surface water bodies. However, only part of the profiles with measured concentrations met the time series requirements. The assessment of trends towards the end of 2024 and 2027 shows that some indicators (polyaromatic hydrocarbons, adsorbable organically bound halogens – AOX, and nitrate nitrogen) are projected to improve compared to the status as of 2018. On the other hand, a slight deterioration is predicted for biochemical oxygen demand, dissolved nickel, and ammonia nitrogen.

Radioactive indicators in surface waters of the Ploučnice river basin

The Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI) is engaged in systematic monitoring and evaluation of radiological indicators in surface waters. The article describes changes in the values of radiological indicators in surface waters in the time series from 1967 to the present. The evolution of total volume alpha and beta activity, uranium concentration, and radium activity (226Ra) is described on characteristic profiles in the area of uranium-containing raw materials mining, in the vicinity of Stráž pod Ralskem, where the mining of radioactive raw materials has already been suppressed. The Ploučnice river flows through this mining area and flows into the Elbe river in Děčín near the Hřensko border crossing, where activities of radiological indicators are also monitored and documented. Following the cessation of uranium mining at the Stráž pod Ralskem deposit, uranium concentrations dropped by two orders of magnitude, and surface waters on the Ploučnice – Mimoň profile have been classified as Class I – unpolluted water for the last five years. The values of Kendall’s correlation coefficient τ for the profiles evaluated on the selected profiles during the mining period are characterized by an increasing trend (+0.7) for the indicator of total volume beta activity; after the end of mining, a decreasing trend is indicated (-0.5).

Dynamics of micropollutant loads into water supply reservoirs Vír I, Opatovice and Ludkovice

Pesticides are still an important group of substances involved in surface water pollution. Their increased occurrence in watercourses in the agricultural landscape is mainly linked to rainfall-runoff conditions, types of cultivated crops, and methods of agricultural management. In order to capture these factors, passive sampling techniques were chosen for the assessment of the load of these substances in selected catchments of water supply reservoirs in the administration of Povodí Moravy State Enterprise. These techniques consist of continuous exposure for several weeks with gradual (integrative) capture of pollution on suitable sorbents. The POCIS (polar organic chemical integrative samplers) were chosen in this work – widely used samplers suitable for capturing polar organic substances. They were applied in eight consecutive sampling campaigns to cover the entire growing season. The aim was to assess the spatio-temporal dynamics (in monthly steps) of selected pesticides and their metabolites into five water supply reservoirs. Due to the scope of the obtained data, this article is focused on the presentation of the results of tributaries into water supply reservoirs Vír I, Opatovice, and Ludkovice, which were monitored in 2021. When the sampling rate Rs was published, it was possible to recalculate the pollution captured by the passive sampler to average concentration during exposure. The results showed which tributaries into the reservoirs were loaded by these hazardous substances in the individual periods of the growing season. The results can be compared with the type of crops grown in a given year.

Circular sample 2022

Okružní vzorek neboli okružák je vzorek, který umožňuje zejména laboratořím porovnávat své odborné dovednosti mezi sebou. Oficiálně jde o zkoušení způsobilosti laboratoří, jež probíhá pod záštitou Střediska pro posuzování způsobilosti laboratoří (ASLAB), a to v oblasti, na kterou se daná laboratoř zaměřuje (hydrobiologická, mikrobiologická, chemická či radiochemická). Článek informuje o přípravě okružního vzorku, jehož testování bylo součástí Určovacího kurzu klanonožců pořádaném v roce 2022 skupinou zooplanktonářů České limnologické společnosti (Limnospol).

Fish stocks of water elements in heritage protected complexes

The aim of this article is to present the results and conclusions of research which focused on recommending an appropriate approach for the creation and maintenance of fish stocks in various types of water elements, from small ornamental pools to formal water elements and large close-to-nature fish ponds. These elements form part of cultural monument complexes and heritage protected settlements (especially historic gardens and chateau parks, religious complexes, village and urban heritage reserves). Detailed results are described of a twoyear investigation of various types of water elements located in Kroměříž gardens, Červené Poříčí Chateau, and the former monastery in Osek, near Teplice, as examples of cultural monuments and their water elements. Issues of possible management of fish stocks, modifications of the aquatic environment to ensure stable conditions for fish farming, and the reduction of negative interaction of pollution and excessive or inappropriately chosen fish stocks and aesthetic perception of water elements are discussed. The results of the field investigations have shown an unsatisfactory state of virtually all locations due to water eutrophication, overgrowth of vegetation in some water elements, unregulated interventions in fish stocks, and uncontrolled fishing resulting in the reduction of predatory species population and the occurrence of invasive species. At the same time, a relatively low awareness of the possibilities of regulating fish stocks and of the principles of sustainable maintenance have been found.

Bacteria from the family Enterobacteriaceae in reused water and their antibiotic susceptibility

The aim of this study is to evaluate the presence of bacteria from the Enterobacteriaceae family (i.e. total coliforms, thermotolerant coliforms and Escherichia coli) in different types of recycled waters (grey water, rain water and reclaimed water from the public city fountains) and problems with their detection (especially ensitivity and specificity of detection methods). The species composition of coliform bacteria in purified grey waters with their antibiotic resistance are presented.

Atmospheric deposition as a possible source of surface water pollution (Preliminary results of the project, part 1 – heavy metals)

Na pilotních lokalitách v Jizerských horách, Moravskoslezských Beskydech a na Českomoravské vrchovině byly v průběhu jednoho roku sledovány koncentrace vybraných těžkých kovů v atmosférické depozici a povrchové vodě s cílem určit významnost vlivu srážek na kvalitu povrchových vod v antropogenně málo ovlivněném prostředí. Dosažené výsledky ukazují, že u vybraných kovů může atmosférická depozice v některých případech představovat významný vnos do povrchových vod. Na výslednou bilanci látkového odnosu má zásadní vliv charakter prostředí a jeho zatížení v minulosti.

A review article of Rapid Small-Scale Column Tests

Rychlotesty v malých kolonkách (Rapid Small­‑Scale Column Tests – RSSCTs) jsou testy, které lze použít pro snadné laboratorní ověření účinnosti adsorpce mikropolutantů na vybraný adsorbent. Volba adsorbentu je nejdůležitějším aspektem při zařazení technologie adsorpce do provozu úpravny vod nebo čistírny odpadních vod (ČOV). Testy probíhají ve zmenšeném měřítku, což minimalizuje náklady na materiál i vlastní realizaci testů. Článek se zaměřuje na adsorpci na granulovaném aktivním uhlí (GAU), jelikož je to nejčastěji používaný typ adsorbentu.

Centrum Voda (Center Water)

Centrum Voda je výzkumný projekt, který hledá řešení problémů vyplývajících z klimatické změny a jejího vlivu na vodní poměry. Snažíme se nalézat odpovědi na základní otázky, jestli dokážeme zajistit dostatek kvalitní vody nejen pro potřeby člověka, ale i pro naši krajinu, zda se zvládneme vyrovnat s přívalovými povodněmi a jak dále snižovat znečištění vodního prostředí.

The influence of Prague on water quality in the Vltava and the Czech Elbe

Paper deals with the development of water quality of the river stretch of Elbe between the confluence Elbe/Vltava and the Hřensko/Schmilka on the frontier Czech Republic/Federal Republic of Germany in the period 1980–2020 and with the influence of Prague City on its pollution. After the significant improvement in the period 1985–2000, the quality of water discharged through the profile Hřensko generally complies with the German level at least. Assessment of the transport budgets shows that Vltava river contributes more to the system only as having higher water discharges. Prague City contributes to the pollution of Vltava and Elbe only by discharge of phosphorus, for the rest of common pollution items it functions only as a non-significant source.

Use of SARS-CoV-2 virus monitoring in wastewater from WWTP of various categories for epidemic surveillance in the Czech Republic

The principle of wastewater diagnostics is a suitable complementary approach that can help to gain epidemiological information on a large part of the population in a non-invasive way. The course of the pandemic spread of the new coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) has been showing a cyclical course of successive waves of Covid-19 since 2020. For this model, a systematic detection of the occurrence of its agent in wastewater is a very effective approach.

Occurrence of pesticides in the Punkva river

The Moravian Karst is the largest and most karstic area in the Czech Republic, and, as such, it is a protected landscape area (PLA). The karst area occupies a strip of Devonian limestone north of Brno. The north part of Moravian Karst is drained by the river Punkva and its headwaters. One of the biggest cave systems in central Europe is located there, Amaterska cave, which is more than 40 km long.
Despite the strict protection measures that are in place in the PLA, the presence of pollutants and potentially hazardous substances has recently been detected in the Punkva river and its catchment. The sources of this pollution are found both within the territory of Moravian Karst PLA and in the river´s catchment, and they are related to anthropogenic activities and land use. This article focuses on the occurrence of pesticides, especially triazine and azole pesticides and their polar metabolites. In 2020, a new significant contaminant, 1,2,4-triazole, a common relevant metabolite of azole pesticides, was found at the site concerned. These substances can have fatal effects not only on the endemic organisms living in the Moravian Karst, but they can also endanger human health because the local groundwater is used as a source of drinking water. Thanks to the studies carried out, the protection zones around the cave system have been extended, reducing the negative effects of agricultural activities in the area of interest.

Interview with Ing. Eva Juranová, head of the Department of Analysis and Assessment of Environmental Components at TGM WRI

This article is available in Czech only. For translation or more information on this topic, please contact author. Paní inženýrko, ve svém výzkumu se zaměřujete především na problematiku radioaktivity v životním prostředí. Bylo toto téma již od počátku v centru vaší badatelské pozornosti? Ano, dá se to tak říct. Ve VÚV TGM jsem jako čerstvý absolvent začínala… Read more »

Vertical distribution of radioactive caesium-137 in soil

In the past, the environment of the Czech Republic was contaminated with anthropogenic radionuclides as a result of atmospheric nuclear weapon testing and the Chernobyl accident. The paper summarises results of vertical migration of 137Cs in soil in selected sites, performed as part of collecting data for ground water vulnerability assessment. Three sites with a different land cover were included (forest, meadow and arable land). In order to determine vertical migration of anthropogenic radionuclides, soil samples were collected up to the depth of 100 cm and subsequently analysed using the gamma-ray spectrometry.

Testing of a prototype separation device designed for rainwater treatment

Článek shrnuje poznatky získané v rámci řešení výzkumného projektu „Technologie separace specifických polutantů ze srážkových vod“ (TH03030223), který se zabýval čištěním srážkových vod ze zpevněných ploch a komunikací zatížených nerozpuštěnými látkami (NL), polycyklickými aromatickými uhlovodíky i těžkými kovy. Projekt si kladl za cíl vyvinout účinnou technologii, která by uvedené polutanty ze srážkových vod separovala.

Concentration and enumeration methods of somatic coliphages in water samples

Somatic coliphages are a new indicator for monitoring the efficiency of water treatment and purification in the Directive (EU) 2020/2184 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 16 December 2020 on the quality of water intended for human consumption and in Regulation (EU) 2020/741 of the European Parliament and of the Council from 25 May 2020 on minimum requirements for water reuse.

Change of microbial community in tertiary wastewater treatment

The aim of this contribution is the presentation of partial results of testing tertiary technology for recycling of treated urban wastewater. The obtain water will be used for watering of greenery, playgrounds, or for street cleaning. The quality of the treated water depends on the purpose of the use.

Search for suitable molecular markers for species differentiation of enterococci

Enterococci, together with representatives of the species Escherichia coli, belong to the so-called indicators of faecal pollution, which are used in the evaluation of the microbiological quality of bathing waters. Their determination is governed by the Decree of the Ministry of Health No. 238/2011 Coll. and performed by culture on selective agar media.

Use of Earth remote sensing methods to monitor the condition of bathing sites

The Ministry of Health in cooperation with other related bodies compiles, on an annual basis, the List of outdoor bathing sites on surface waters where the bathing service is offered by the operator, and other surface waters used for bathing. It is compiled based on the long-term monitoring, performed, exclusively as in-situ measurements, by the regional hygiene stations. With respect to the fact that this way of monitoring is not only time-consuming but also financially demanding, the need for minimizing these expenses naturally arises.

Ecotoxicological evaluation of river sediments in selected localities of the Odra river basin

The paper deals with the issue of pollution of river (bottom) sediments in the Odra river basin, which is located in one of the most anthropogenically polluted areas of the Czech Republic. The presented results are based on the evaluation of river sediments collected on eight selected profiles of water bodies belonging to the Odra river basin using a battery of five ecotoxicological tests including indicator organisms of different trophic levels.

Municipal wastewater as a diagnostic medium of the City of Prague

The article informs about regular, almost two-year long monitoring of municipal wastewater at selected sampling points of the Prague sewerage network. Selected illicit drugs (e.g. methamphetamine, MDMA, THC, cocaine), nicotine and its metabolites and the ethanol metabolite ethyl sulphate are monitored in municipal wastewater.

Using modern analytical methods for risk management and the creation of territorial strategies

Social-economic and safety risks in area are one of the main topics in these days, which in the long term affect the stability of local societies. For identification of these risks, we can use modern technology of data collection based on the analysis of illicit substances in city wastewater, as the cities are a high-risk areas from the social perspective in the Czech Republic.