Hydraulics, hydrology and hydrogeology

Assessment of changes of long-term flow characteristics for the period 2001–2015 over the reference period 1961–2000 in selected Slovak gauging stations

Obdobie rokov 2000 až 2015, je obdobím, v ktorom sme pozorovali výrazné rozdiely a extrémy v hydrologickom režime slovenských tokov. Slovenský hydrometeorologický ústav v rámci svojich úloh spracúva komplexné posúdenie hydrologických charakteristík so zameraním na hodnotenie sucha.

Determination of the extent of soil unprotected by vegetation in the period of rainstorms to assess erosion risk

Článek popisuje metodu, zdrojová data i výsledky analýzy erozní ohroženosti podle nové metodiky využití dálkového průzkumu Země pro ochranu zemědělské půdy. Metoda je testována na pozemcích AGRA Řisuty, s. r. o. Pro zjištění přítomnosti vegetačního pokryvu na jednotlivých půdních blocích či jejich částech jsou využívána data z družic Landsat 8 a Sentinel 2.

Water quality and the assessment of anthropogenic pollution of the Elbe River oxbow lake sediments

Tato práce je zaměřena na zhodnocení kvality vody a antropogenního znečištění sedimentů ve starých ramenech Kozelská tůň a Vrť středního toku Labe. Stará říční ramena jsou významnými ekosystémy, ve kterých se může ukládat velké množství znečištěného materiálu. Tato kontaminace může pocházet z průmyslových zdrojů znečištění především z 2. pol. 20. století.

Determination of soil loss from erosion rills by method of digital photogrammetry and method of volumetric quantification

This article presents the first results of the research focused on the recording of rill erosion, and its evaluation using the outputs of the two methods that can be used to determine the soil yield. The consequences of erosion have been documented on a selected pilot site, both as a direct method of volume quantification (using an profile meter – so called soil erosion bridge) and with the use of unmanned aircraft in close-up photogrammetry (UAV).

HAMR: Online drought management system – operational management during a dry episode

Increasing occurrence of drought periods in the Czech Republic has highlighted a necessity of legislation modification. At the same time, a need has emerged for tools supporting decision making and water resources management at various levels during the drought periods.

Catalogue of green water retention measures in the landscape and its application in the web map application

A catalogue of green water retention measures in landscape represents one of the results of long term project financed by the Ministry of Environment. The main goal of the catalogue was to summarize a set of measures with positive effects on water retention of landscape, with low impact on ecological status of water bodies.

Study on the assessment of the effect of nature-friendly measures in the Olešná in Pelhřimov catchment area using the BILAN, HEC-HMS and HYPE models

A catalogue of natural restoration measures was created within several research programs under Ministry of the Environment of the Czech Republic, especially in the program for hydrological draught mitigation. As a next step suitable catchments for their application were identified. With use of hydrological models, the effect of designed restoration measures on three aspects of hydrological regime was assessed.

Effectiveness assessment of the designed measures in the basin

This article describes part of results of the project “QJ1520268 The new procedures of optimization systems integrated protection area in the context of their economic sustainability“. The aim is effectiveness assessment of the designed measures in the Litava basin in hydrological model created in software HEC-HMS (Hydrology Engineering center – Hydrologic modeling system).

How to learn the level of legal and technical principles for the application of blue infrastructure

The Czech Republic does not sufficiently create the necessary conditions for the conceptual approach to urban drainage based on the principles of a sustainable development. The Ministry of Agriculture of the Czech Republic, responsible for the water management, ignores how much a strict implementation of a sustainable drainage system, especially the blue-green infrastructure, could positively impact urbanized areas’ adaptation to climate change.

Information about ORAM

Odra River Alarm Modul (ORAM) will be part of the NAVAROSO project. There are no results of tracer studies of the Czech part of the Odra River in the last twenty years. That´s the reason, why tracer experiment data of the Svitava River were used for analysis.

Response variability of selected hydrological models to typical temporal distributions of short-term precipitation

The article presents a selection of outcomes of a three-years’ project named “Variability of Short-term Precipitation and Runoff in Small Catchments and its Influence on Water Resources Management“. Its aim was to provide to the public the newly derived typical temporal distributions of subdaily precipitation, also known as design rainfalls.

Classification of small watersheds for the rainfall-runoff modelling in the Czech Republic

This article introduces a classification of small watersheds in the Czech Republic in terms of potential hydrological response to a set of design precipitation time series. Watershed classes as well as precipitation time series were derived as a partial result of a three-year project aimed at the design of typical soil conservation measures and small water management structures

Web services for the provision of design rainfall

In the field of GIS support for hydrological modelling there has been distinct evolution towards so called web services, which enable the users to obtain necessary input data for modelling in a fast and effective way. With respect to design rainfall data – one of the key component – the deficit has been considerable.

Baseflow evolution from the part of Bohemian-Moravian Highlands

This article is focused on evolution of baseflow from part of the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands. This is a topical issue and, given the current situation, is also often discussed. The problem of groundwater and its recharge is an important (not only) hydrogeological problem, as climatic conditions in recent years, especially low precipitation, have a negative impact on groundwater recharge.

Hydrological balance and available water resource in the czech republic during hydrological drought

The article deals with the assessment of the hydrological balance in a monthly time step in the territory of the Czech Republic, which was divided into 133 sub-basins for the period 1981–2015.

Policy of Protection from impacts of drought and water scarcity in the Czech Republic – consultation and processing

In the context of a severe drought period, which has started in 2014, an inter-ministerial commission WATER-DROUGHT was established to prepare a strategic policy document on protection from impacts of drought and water scarcity in the Czech Republic.

Evaluation of the impacts of drought on aquatic and water-bound organisms in surface water bodies

Within the framework of the sub-task “Evaluation of the impacts of drought on aquatic and water-bound organisms in surface water bodies“ a project involving activities to support the state administration in the drought issue in 2016 was prepared mainly a review of the potential impacts of drought on individual elements and indicators of water status assessment.