Open day of TGM Water Research Institute, p. r. i.
On Saturday, June 4, 2016 was held on the occasion of World Environment Day under the auspices of the Minister of the Environment Mgr. Richard Brabec Open Day TGM Water Research Institute, p. r. i.
On Saturday, June 4, 2016 was held on the occasion of World Environment Day under the auspices of the Minister of the Environment Mgr. Richard Brabec Open Day TGM Water Research Institute, p. r. i.
National Dialogue on water is a traditional event organized by the Czech Science and Technology water management society in collaboration with the TGM Water Research Institute p. r. i.
On June 22, 2016 was held on Novotného lávka in Prague, under the auspices of the expert group Waste water – water purity seminar “New legislation in water protection”, accredited by the Ministry of Interior.
On 25 May 2016 there was a meeting of the general meeting ČVTVHS, z. s., on Novotného lávka.
Recently, the Czech Republic has been affected with negative impacts of hydrological extremes (such as floods and droughts). This is the reason why different types of regulation modifications have been discussed in order to address increasing water scarcity and variability throughout a year.
Interview with former Minister of Environment and President of the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube Ing. Petr J. Kalaš.
The second year is running the Project Civil measurement science transparency water ponds in the Czech Republic. Second year on hundreds of lakes intensively measure water transparency, and in three key periods: in the second half of April and June, and in August and September.
The research team from the Brno office of WRI and reference laboratories in Prague started from March 2016 work on a research project DG16P02M032 “Non-invasive and economical techniques of water elements environment quality and maintenance solution in the frame of historical monuments care”.
Traditional XXIV. Conference Radionuclides and ionizing radiation in water management was held from 2 to 4 May 2016 at the Clarion Hotel in České Budějovice. Professional guarantor was Ing. Eduard Hanslík, CSc. (WRI, p. r. i.) and organizational guarantor Ing. Václav Bečvář, CSc. (ČVTVHS).
The seminar organized by the Expert Group Water Supply and SewerageCzech scientific water management company in collaboration with VRV (Water resources development and construction, a. S.) was held on 11 May 2016 at the company of headquarters.
Interview with general director of Povodí Vltavy the state enterprise RNDr. Petr Kubala.
In the Water Research Institute of T. G. Masaryk, p. r. i., specialized institutions operates in the field of waste management – Centre for Waste Management (CeHO). Since 2001, CeHO contributes significantly to the provision of professional support Waste Management Department of the Ministry of the Environment.
Hydrosphere is facing a global water crisis caused by uneven availability of fresh water in time and space, overuse of resources, environmental degradation and frequent occurrence of floods and droughts.
The Czech capital city had in the period between June 20 and July 2, 2015 the honor to host the 26th General Assembly of the International Union of geodetic and geophysical (International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, IUGG), on which showed an interest in nearly 5,000 scientists from around the world.
WRI representative attended a seminar of the Visegrad Group. Summit held in Belgrade. The seminar was focused on sharing experiences of V4 countries in the field of urban wastewater treatment.
The year 2015 was very challenging from an organizational point of view – the General Meeting held in May 2015 under the new statutes adopted a year earlier based on the new Civil Code.
Interview with Ing. Eduard Hanslík, CSc., an outstanding expert on radioecology. Ing. Hanslík, CSc., leads a group of professionals who collectively examine the pitfalls of nuclear power plants and the Chernobyl accident.
Basic hydrological data are provided for any profile of the river network and serves as a basis eg. for the issue water management decisions, etc.
Interview with Ing. Jan Kříž, Deputy Minister of the Environment, on the topic of Operational Programme Environment.
Under the auspices of the Global Water Partnership Central and Eastern Europe (GWP CEE) and the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube (ICPD) was held next Annualof the art competition Danube Art Master.
This article is available in Czech only. For translation or more information on this topic, please contact author. Přinášíme Vám přehled odborných akcí z oboru vodního hospodářství konaných v roce 2015 a také poslední akce konané v tomto roce, na které se můžete ještě zaregistrovat. Organizační garance většiny dále uvedených odborných akcí náleží Ing. Václavu… Read more »
Drought has been and certainly will be. On this topic is based conversation with the Minister of the Environment, which includes questions on the continuing heat wave and drought.
Remedy for inappropriate state of the landscape has long been supported through grant programs of the Ministry of the Environment.
Since the mid-80s of the 20th century in the Czech Republic is a demonstrable increase in water temperature slightly influenced by surface water as a result of climate change.
Protection of water resources and the risks associated with water scarcity are the themes that resonate throughout society.
The Global Water Partnership was established jointly by the Swedish Agency for International Development, United Nations Development Programme and the World Bank in 1996 as an international network in order to create a unified approach to the use of water resources.
On 13. May 2015 there was a meeting of the General Meeting Czech scientific water management company. The record of the General Meeting is shown below.