From the world of water management

Cooperation between the Czech Republic and Denmark in the field of water management will continue

Česko-dánské dny vody 2019 přispěly k rozvoji další spolupráce mezi českými a dánskými institucemi a firmami. Těchto dní probíhajících od 18. do 20. března se zúčastnili zástupci devíti dánských firem společně s představitelem Skupiny dánské vodárenské technologie (Danish Water Technology Group) sdružující více než 600 dánských společností, které nabízí řešení v oblasti vodního hospodářství.

Climatic changes in the Dryas and early Holocene – sea level rise and its impact on the migration of civilizations in the Middle East and the Indian Ocean area

Běžná historie či archeologie je v současnosti sice značně vyspělým oborem, který již dávno překonal v průběhu dvacátého století své původní, spíše jen humanitní, zaměření – při hlubším seznámení s řadou publikovaných příspěvků či monografií však lze shledat určitý deficit ve vazbě na poměrně nedávné poznatky z oblasti historie změn klimatu.

The Ponds Conference

The Ponds Conference is traditionally held in June and is organized as a two-day event with evening informal sitting planned for the first evening. The first day focuses on the overall issue of ponds and provides a wide range of views on these important landscape features.

Information about the ČVTVHS seminar

Problematika výstavby, provozu a oprav malých vodních nádrží (včetně suchých nádrží) a ochranných hrází na tocích je v naší republice trvale aktuální, a to bez ohledu na momentální hydrologické podmínky, tj. nejen pro extrémní období povodní i sucha posledních let.

A hundred years of the work of the Forestry Kingdom on the Upper Elbe as a commemoration in the celebration of the great anniversary of the establishment of independent Czechoslovakia

For many it is the most beautiful dam in our country, with unique romantic elements on the crown. It is listed in the list of national cultural monuments of the Czech Republic under the somewhat special name of Vodní elektrárna – dam of the Kingdom of the Kingdom in Bílá Třemešná, although this is probably not a part of the hydropower plant itself.

World Fish Migration Day – where do the fish go?

TGM Water Research Institute, p. r. i., the Czech Nature Protection Agency, the Czech Fishing Union Council, the Czech Fisheries Union Council, and the local organization of the Czech Fishing Union Lysá n. Labem (MO ČRS Lysá n. Labem) together with the Expert Group – The Commission for Fish Transfers at the AOPK Czech Republic organized a second year of the World Fish Migration Day (WFMD), Fish Education Day for children, youth and the general public with the title “Where do the fish go?”

Significant adverse effects of measures for the use of heavily influenced water bodies: experiences and examples from abroad

In April 2018, an international workshop was held in Brussels to assess the significance of adverse impacts of planned measures for use or wider environment of heavily modified and artificial water bodies. This issue is related to the implementation of the Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC and the harmonization of the level of good ecological potential among EU Member States.

Water in the cultures of old Peru

The oldest history of Peru is usually associated with the Inca Empire. It is true that during the reign of Inka Pachacuti, this was an empire that was unparalleled in the South American continent. When Pachacuti died in 1471, his empire was dragged over 3,800 km from Chile today to the south after Ecuador to the north, and partly to the territory of today’s Argentina, Brazil and Bolivia.

A multi-part and audience success story of Czech Television “Vltava in Pictures”

Within the Czech Television Documentary Cycle “Searching for Lost Time” (460 parts), a separate section (the so-called thematic ministry) “Vltava in Pictures” was also presented, which presented the longest river Vltava in the Czech Republic. The set of documentaries has a total of 86 parts (26 hours of broadcasting time) and systematically progresses from the source of the river to its confluence with Elbe in Mělník.

Drainage and sewage treatment in Moldova – current state and perspectives

The article provides basic information on the current state of drainage and sewage treatment in Moldova. These data are a summary of survey findings from individual localities (usually cities over 10 000 inhabitants) carried out within the framework of the Czech Republic’s foreign development cooperation project.

Dams and aquatic invertebrates

The construction of water dams fundamentally changes nature and landscape not only in the flooded areas but also out of them, including all structures and links and leading to habitat loss. Three characteristically different South Moravian water reservoirs – the Vranov Dam, the Brno Dam and system of water reservoirs of Nové Mlýny have been studied in the project “Submerged cultural and natural heritage of South Moravia” (DF13P01OVV012) supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.