Web of Science

Comparison of VTEI citations in the Web of Science and Scopus databases

A journal’s citation rate is an indicator of its quality. The presented study builds on analyses of the citation rate of the VTEI journal published in previous years. A new analysis of VTEI journal citations using Web of Science data was conducted and the citation analysis using Scopus data was updated. A comparison of citations in both bibliometric databases was performed to determine the degree of overlap between the two databases and whether it is more appropriate to monitor the citation rate in one or both bibliometric databases. The citation analysis confirmed a high degree of overlap between the two databases. For monitoring the citation rate of the VTEI journal, it is sufficient to track citations in the Scopus database; unique citations found in the Web of Science database represent only a small portion of all citations. The citation analysis also confirmed the increasing trend in the number of citations of articles published in the VTEI journal, which was noted in previous years.