surface water

Selected licit and illicit drugs in surface water in sampling profiles near wastewater treatment plant outlets

The majority of the population (85 %) in the Czech Republic is connected to the public sewerage network of almost 3,000 wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs). Municipal wastewater contains a number of substances providing information on the state of the population. This information is evaluated by Wastewater-Based Epidemiology (WBE). A WWTP does not remove all contaminants that are discharged into the recipient. In this study, the loading of a recipient with selected licit and illicit drugs was monitored.

Development in and status of surface waters in an important drinking water source area

The paper discusses changes in of the basic parameters of surface water within the important drinking water source area of hydrogeological unit 232 Ústecká syncline, in the Svitava river basin. Emphasis is placed on the changes in the amount of water in the Svitava river and the changes in the basic physical and chemical parameters of these waters. The possible effect on local groundwater, which is intensively used for drinking purposes, is discussed. The contribution compares historical data sets with the results of current monitoring within the project SS06010044 (PPŽ VI, TA CR). The current qualitative state of surface water points to caution in promoting direct infiltration into groundwater due to the risk of contamination.

Drought warning system and local threshold limits

Droughts and floods are extreme hydrological phenomena that are currently increasing in frequency due to the growing impact of climate change, and can have significant effects on our lives. Within the “PERUN” research project, an assessment of drought conditions and their development in the Czech Republic is being developed, along with the innovation of the warning system by the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI). Drought is a natural phenomenon characterized by a gradual onset, long duration, and low dynamics, which requires a specific approach. The amendment to the Water Act introduces the obligation of regular reporting on drought and the establishment of a predictive service to be conducted by CHMI. Tools are being developed for long-term prediction of water resource conditions and a methodology for drought and water scarcity management plans. These plans aim to ensure water supply, protect the environment, and minimize the economic impacts. The decision-making body for issuing measures based on the drought plans is the Drought Commission, which operates at the regional level. The warning information is available on the HAMR web portal, which also displays local threshold limits for individual water resources.

Atmospheric deposition as a possible source of surface water pollution (Results of the project, part 2. – polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons)

From October 2020 to September 2021, in two forest micro-catchments in the Czech Republic, the quality of wet atmospheric deposition (bulk and throughfall) was monitored simultaneously with the surface water quality in the local watercourse, humus, and the moss species Pleurozium schreberi. An evaluation is presented of the 15 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) burden of the above-mentioned matrices. The first site was chosen in the Beskid Mountains in the Moravian-Silesian region, in the cadastre of the village of Bystřice in the upper basin of the Suchý stream (altitude 590 to 835 m a.s.l.). This area is affected by industrial activities. The second reference site was chosen in the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands near Košetice observatory (altitude 520 m a.s.l.).

Assessment of trends in concentrations of chemical and physico-chemical indicators of the status of surface water bodies

This article presents the results of trend assessment of selected chemical and physicochemical indicators of surface water status. The assessment approach is based on a similar procedure for assessing significant upward trends of pollutants and trend reversals in groundwater bodies. The procedure is based on measured concentrations from 2010 to 2018 and estimates concentrations at the end of 2021, 2024, and 2027. For the trend assessment, data from Czech river basin state enterprises were used to assess the ecological status/potential and the chemical status of surface water bodies. However, only part of the profiles with measured concentrations met the time series requirements. The assessment of trends towards the end of 2024 and 2027 shows that some indicators (polyaromatic hydrocarbons, adsorbable organically bound halogens – AOX, and nitrate nitrogen) are projected to improve compared to the status as of 2018. On the other hand, a slight deterioration is predicted for biochemical oxygen demand, dissolved nickel, and ammonia nitrogen.

Dynamics of micropollutant loads into water supply reservoirs Vír I, Opatovice and Ludkovice

Pesticides are still an important group of substances involved in surface water pollution. Their increased occurrence in watercourses in the agricultural landscape is mainly linked to rainfall-runoff conditions, types of cultivated crops, and methods of agricultural management. In order to capture these factors, passive sampling techniques were chosen for the assessment of the load of these substances in selected catchments of water supply reservoirs in the administration of Povodí Moravy State Enterprise. These techniques consist of continuous exposure for several weeks with gradual (integrative) capture of pollution on suitable sorbents. The POCIS (polar organic chemical integrative samplers) were chosen in this work – widely used samplers suitable for capturing polar organic substances. They were applied in eight consecutive sampling campaigns to cover the entire growing season. The aim was to assess the spatio-temporal dynamics (in monthly steps) of selected pesticides and their metabolites into five water supply reservoirs. Due to the scope of the obtained data, this article is focused on the presentation of the results of tributaries into water supply reservoirs Vír I, Opatovice, and Ludkovice, which were monitored in 2021. When the sampling rate Rs was published, it was possible to recalculate the pollution captured by the passive sampler to average concentration during exposure. The results showed which tributaries into the reservoirs were loaded by these hazardous substances in the individual periods of the growing season. The results can be compared with the type of crops grown in a given year.

Atmospheric deposition as a possible source of surface water pollution (Preliminary results of the project, part 1 – heavy metals)

Na pilotních lokalitách v Jizerských horách, Moravskoslezských Beskydech a na Českomoravské vrchovině byly v průběhu jednoho roku sledovány koncentrace vybraných těžkých kovů v atmosférické depozici a povrchové vodě s cílem určit významnost vlivu srážek na kvalitu povrchových vod v antropogenně málo ovlivněném prostředí. Dosažené výsledky ukazují, že u vybraných kovů může atmosférická depozice v některých případech představovat významný vnos do povrchových vod. Na výslednou bilanci látkového odnosu má zásadní vliv charakter prostředí a jeho zatížení v minulosti.

Space-time dynamic of pesticide loading in the drinking water reservoir Švihov

The article deals with space-time dynamic of non-polar and polar compounds load into the drinking water reservoir Švihov in Želivka river basin during the whole vegetation season by passive sampling techniques. The monitoring on the nine tributaries of the Švihov water reservoir and on the raw water inlet to the Želivka drinking water treatment plant took place for eight months from April to November 2018.

Classification of surface water quality

This article deals with new Czech Standard 75 7221 Water quality – Classification of surface water quality [1] and replaces the previous 19 years old standard [2]. It was necessary to take into account actual demands of the surface water protection from two points of view: pollution indicator selection and current environmental quality standards. The range of pollution indicators and limit values of water classification were revised.

Development of selected radionuclides in surface water in the vicinity of the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant in the period 1990–2016

The paper presents results and interpretation of long-term monitoring of occurrence and behaviour of radioisotopes 3H, 90Sr and 137Cs in surface water in the vicinity of the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant. 3H, 90Sr and 137Cs originate predominantly from residual contamination due to atmospheric nuclear weapons tests and the Chernobyl disaster in the last century.