
Use of Earth remote sensing methods to monitor the condition of bathing sites

The Ministry of Health in cooperation with other related bodies compiles, on an annual basis, the List of outdoor bathing sites on surface waters where the bathing service is offered by the operator, and other surface waters used for bathing. It is compiled based on the long-term monitoring, performed, exclusively as in-situ measurements, by the regional hygiene stations. With respect to the fact that this way of monitoring is not only time-consuming but also financially demanding, the need for minimizing these expenses naturally arises.

Quantifying the retention characteristics by the means of geomorphological patterns of the basin

In the presented study we tested the selected sets of linear and nonlinear regression models, that describe the relationships between the selected parameters of hydrological model Bilan, which were estimated using the meteorological, hydrological series, and between the retention characteristics estimated using the selected geomorphological patterns of the river basin.