
Possibilities of wastewater treatment using an experimental device for physical action by an electrostatic field with a focus on pharmaceuticals

As a result of climate change and the world´s population growth, ensuring sufficient amount of water is expected to be an increasing problem. There is a growing need for eco-technologies with reduced water consumption, for the use of harvested rainwater, as well as reuse of wastewater.
Currently there are millions of known chemicals, and more and more are being synthesized every day. The chemization of various branches of industry leads to the increasing massive contamination of our environment with foreign substances.
This paper presents the possibilities of rebuilding experimental laboratory equipment for the physical processing of waste into an equipment able to apply electrostatic field action on wastewater. It also considers the possibilities and perspectives of its further use, either alone or in combination with other technological processes, e.g. biotechnologies. The first series of experimental trials was aimed at eliminating selected pharmaceuticals.

The influence of Prague on water quality in the Vltava and the Czech Elbe

Paper deals with the development of water quality of the river stretch of Elbe between the confluence Elbe/Vltava and the Hřensko/Schmilka on the frontier Czech Republic/Federal Republic of Germany in the period 1980–2020 and with the influence of Prague City on its pollution. After the significant improvement in the period 1985–2000, the quality of water discharged through the profile Hřensko generally complies with the German level at least. Assessment of the transport budgets shows that Vltava river contributes more to the system only as having higher water discharges. Prague City contributes to the pollution of Vltava and Elbe only by discharge of phosphorus, for the rest of common pollution items it functions only as a non-significant source.

Balance evaluation of selected water quality indicators on the tributaries of Vranov reservoir

Most of the reservoirs in the Czech Republic have been built as multifunctional reservoirs, with the basic functions being storage and protection. The way the catchment area upstream of a reservoir is used has a significant impact on water quality. Pollution sources can be divided into point, area, and diffuse sources. Being continuous or recurrent, point pollution is not significantly influenced by meteorological factors and it is linked to narrowly delimited areas such as settlements, wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs), industrial plants, agricultural facilities, etc. Area pollution is difficult to observe as it is irregular and depends on meteorological, soil, morphological, and vegetation characteristics [4]. The category of diffuse sources usually includes small diffuse point sources of pollution, namely municipal, agricultural, industrial, as well as traffic pollution, leachates from landfills, etc.

Municipal wastewater as a diagnostic medium

The paper outlines the possibilities of using the epidemiological approach to the analysis of municipal wastewater to monitor the lifestyle of the population, its dietary habits, the environmental impacts on humans, the assessment of the state of health of the population and monitoring the consumption of illicit drugs and other substances in the monitored population