Interview with Minister of Agriculture Ing. Marian Jurečka
Interview with Minister of Agriculture Ing. Marian Jurečka on the topic of drought and water management planning.
Interview with Minister of Agriculture Ing. Marian Jurečka on the topic of drought and water management planning.
Interview with general director of Povodí Vltavy the state enterprise RNDr. Petr Kubala.
Interview with Ing. Eduard Hanslík, CSc., an outstanding expert on radioecology. Ing. Hanslík, CSc., leads a group of professionals who collectively examine the pitfalls of nuclear power plants and the Chernobyl accident.
Interview with Ing. Jan Kříž, Deputy Minister of the Environment, on the topic of Operational Programme Environment.
Drought has been and certainly will be. On this topic is based conversation with the Minister of the Environment, which includes questions on the continuing heat wave and drought.