
Flash flood in Brdy PLA in June 2024

The article documents the course of the flash flood at the beginning of June 2024 in Brdy PLA, in the Příbram Region, including reflection on its causes and possibilities for limiting the consequences of this type of flood in the future. Publicly available information was evaluated from the hydrometeorological situation in the Archive of weekly reports on the CHMI website for the nearest station to the flood-affected area, namely Neumětely station. In that week, the highest weekly precipitation total for the Czech Republic was recorded at Neumětely station. When evaluating landscape development based on archival maps or orthophoto maps, changes with some negative effects on water retention in the landscape were observed. It was mainly the gradual expansion of urban development into the original mosaic of dry or wet meadows and small fields, straightening and piping of watercourses, ploughing their floodplains, land reclamation of spring areas, and their subsequent replacement with arable land.

Interview with Dr. Ing. Antonín Tůma, Deputy General Director of the Morava Basin State Enterprise

For the February issue of VTEI, we interviewed a long-time employee of the Morava Basin State Enterprise, the director of the Basin administration, and since 2006 the deputy general director of this organization. A man for whom water management is not a job, but a mission. “Water is the carrier of not only life, but also information and energy. Something so simple, yet so extraordinary, irreplaceable…,” says Dr. Ing. Antonín Tůma.

Historic floods on Rakovnický stream

This year, TGM WRI is planning to publish a book by Kašpárek, Elleder, Šírová, Dragoun, and Kašpárek Jr., dedicated to floods in the Rakovnický stream basin. It is primarily focused on the occurrence of floods before the start of instrumental observation, that is before 1898. Its purpose is to maximally expand knowledge about the frequency, seasonality, and most significant flood cases, their causes, extent, impact, and damage over the last 500 years.

Adaptation of towns and municipalities to floods and drought

This article is available in Czech only. For translation or more information on this topic, please contact author.   Souhrn Realizace komplexních adaptačních opatření je v posledních letech významným trendem ve všech velkých městech a obcích Evropy. Potřeba přizpůsobení se změně klimatu, vyznačující se střídáním krátkých a intenzivních povodňových epizod [1] a dlouhých období sucha,… Read more »