
Possibilities of wastewater treatment using an experimental device for physical action by an electrostatic field with a focus on pharmaceuticals

As a result of climate change and the world´s population growth, ensuring sufficient amount of water is expected to be an increasing problem. There is a growing need for eco-technologies with reduced water consumption, for the use of harvested rainwater, as well as reuse of wastewater.
Currently there are millions of known chemicals, and more and more are being synthesized every day. The chemization of various branches of industry leads to the increasing massive contamination of our environment with foreign substances.
This paper presents the possibilities of rebuilding experimental laboratory equipment for the physical processing of waste into an equipment able to apply electrostatic field action on wastewater. It also considers the possibilities and perspectives of its further use, either alone or in combination with other technological processes, e.g. biotechnologies. The first series of experimental trials was aimed at eliminating selected pharmaceuticals.

The relationship between the scenic view and the value of residential construction

The authors during the research of the relationship between certain impacts and housing prices were inspired by the knowledge and results of processed literature. Concretely by the characteristics which had an affect on housing prices throughout the World. The city of Brno was chosen as a suitable place of research. Firstly, photographs of various residential buildings were made. Secondly, those photographs were filtered. The buildings, which have shown certain significant abilities, were chosen. Subsequently, together with Delphi method, a questionnaire with concrete questions was made. Also a circuit of experts was determined and the questionnaire was sent to them. These experts work either in the branch of economy, building industry and real estate or in an uncategorized branch. Addressed experts filled the questionnaires and sent them back. Subsequently, an opinion exchanging phase of evaluation from each questionnaire took place.

Interview with Ing. Eva Juranová, head of the Department of Analysis and Assessment of Environmental Components at TGM WRI

This article is available in Czech only. For translation or more information on this topic, please contact author. Paní inženýrko, ve svém výzkumu se zaměřujete především na problematiku radioaktivity v životním prostředí. Bylo toto téma již od počátku v centru vaší badatelské pozornosti? Ano, dá se to tak říct. Ve VÚV TGM jsem jako čerstvý absolvent začínala… Read more »

Possibilities of combined ways of treatment for selected waste types using an experimental equipment for physical waste treatment with the intention of their further use

This article presents possibilities of a unique device for industrial waste treatment using a patented process, and outlines possible future directions. This device, using different physical processes, individually or in synergy, e.g. combined effects of ultrasonic waves, focused microwave field, arc discharges, electrostatic field and the exposure to ultra-violet radiation, is intended to degrade dangerous substances in waste, reducing its hazardous properties for the environment and to prepare the waste for future applications (material or energy), i.e. separately or in combination with other technology processes, such as biotechnology.