T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institute, public research institution, is the direct successor of the State Hydrological Institute, which was founded in 1919. The current organizational form of the Institute was established by the Provision No. 12/06 of the Ministry of the Environment from 12 December 2006 on the establishing of founding charter of public research institution.
The main mission of the Institute is:
- research of the status, use and changes in aquatic ecosystems and their relations in a landscape and related environmental risks and waste management,
- professional support of the water protection, prevention of flood risks and waste management based on the above mentioned research.
The Institute focuses its activities mainly on research and development of strategies, methods and information systems in the areas of surface water and groundwater quality and quantity and water use, taking into account all technical, economic and other aspects in their mutual interactions.
The Institute provides objective and professional services primarily for public administration under the Water Act and participates in the development and implementation of the state water policy.
The activities of the Institute include research, expert and methodological activities and the development of information subsystems for the execution of state administration in waste management and the development of integrated approaches to prevention of environmental pollution.
Publication activities of the Institute have a long tradition. The first hydrological publication was edited in 1926.
Nowadays, the Institute is an editor of Water Management Technical and Economic Information Journal/VTEI Journal, a peer-reviewed bi-monthly (ISSN 0322-8916 and ISSN 1805-6555 – on-line), and publications providing results of the research – series Research Studies (ISSN 1211-3727), Research for Practice (ISSN 1211-3751) and Collection of Papers of the TGM WRI (ISSN 1802-4742).
Website of T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institute is available here.