List of articles from – 6/2021

The relationship between the scenic view and the value of residential construction

The authors during the research of the relationship between certain impacts and housing prices were inspired by the knowledge and results of processed literature. Concretely by the characteristics which had an affect on housing prices throughout the World. The city of Brno was chosen as a suitable place of research. Firstly, photographs of various residential buildings were made. Secondly, those photographs were filtered. The buildings, which have shown certain significant abilities, were chosen. Subsequently, together with Delphi method, a questionnaire with concrete questions was made. Also a circuit of experts was determined and the questionnaire was sent to them. These experts work either in the branch of economy, building industry and real estate or in an uncategorized branch. Addressed experts filled the questionnaires and sent them back. Subsequently, an opinion exchanging phase of evaluation from each questionnaire took place.

Interview with Ing. Eva Juranová, head of the Department of Analysis and Assessment of Environmental Components at TGM WRI

This article is available in Czech only. For translation or more information on this topic, please contact author. Paní inženýrko, ve svém výzkumu se zaměřujete především na problematiku radioaktivity v životním prostředí. Bylo toto téma již od počátku v centru vaší badatelské pozornosti? Ano, dá se to tak říct. Ve VÚV TGM jsem jako čerstvý absolvent začínala… Read more »

We present the new website of TGM WRI

VÚV TGM se po více než 11 letech dočkal nového webu. Původně byla snaha představit nový web v rámci výročí 100 let od založení instituce na konci roku 2019, nicméně celkový rozsah změn si nakonec vyžádal širší diskuzi napříč celou institucí tak, aby se pracovníci ústavu mohli se záměrem, motivací a především účelem nového webu podrobně seznámit. Tím, že nejde o pouhou změnu designu, ale o zcela nový web včetně grafiky a struktury, bylo toto přechodné období jistě na místě a my ve VÚV TGM věříme, že návštěvníci z řad laické i odborné veřejnosti jeho uživatelskou vstřícnost a přehlednost brzy ocení.

Results and outputs of the project entitled “Support for long-term planning in the field of water management in the Krkonoše National Park with an emphasis on solving the issue of the effect of technical snowmaking on the decrease in flows with the aim of increasing the long-term production of nature and landscape protection”

Projekt s názvem „Podpora dlouhodobého plánování v oblasti vodního hospodářství na území Krkonošského národního parku s důrazem na řešení problematiky vlivu technického zasněžování na pokles průtoků s cílem zvýšit dlouhodobou efektivitu ochrany přírody a krajiny“ (ID projektu: TH02030080) z programu Epsilon Technologické agentury (TA ČR) byl řešen ve VÚV TGM v letech 2017–2020. Projekt se věnoval zejména výzkumu dopadů technického zasněžování na vodní toky v Krkonoších z pohledu možného ovlivnění průtoků v důsledku odběrů vody.

Memory of Ing. Bohumil Müller

Ve věku nedožitých 87 let zemřel Ing. Bohumil Müller, nesporně nepřehlédnutelná osobnost ve vodním hospodářství, v oboru, jemuž od absolutoria na Fakultě inženýrského stavitelství ČVUT věnoval podstatnou část svého života, svých odborných znalostí a zkušeností.

Vertical distribution of radioactive caesium-137 in soil

In the past, the environment of the Czech Republic was contaminated with anthropogenic radionuclides as a result of atmospheric nuclear weapon testing and the Chernobyl accident. The paper summarises results of vertical migration of 137Cs in soil in selected sites, performed as part of collecting data for ground water vulnerability assessment. Three sites with a different land cover were included (forest, meadow and arable land). In order to determine vertical migration of anthropogenic radionuclides, soil samples were collected up to the depth of 100 cm and subsequently analysed using the gamma-ray spectrometry.

Investigation of hyporheic biofilms of the Vltava river in Šumava national park with regard to juvenile rearl mussels, their feeding requirements and sufficient oxygen saturation of interstitial water

The research on biofilms has been ongoing within the project “Strengthening and protection of the pearl mussel population in Šumava NP” since 2018, when suitable research methods and procedures for studying the development of biofilms on hyporheic sediments (e.g. incubation of glass beads versus incubation of river sediment, granulometric survey of bottom sediments) were sought and tested, and the most suitable locations for the placement of experimental facilities were selected.

Study of the effectiveness of the small municipal sourcess sewage sludge extensive stabilization for their use as a fertilizer

The article is devoted to the presentation of partial results of a study aimed at determining the potential use of extensive sludge dewatering technology for small municipal WWTPs (up to 1000 PE) in the conditions of the Czech Republic. The study has shown that the use of technology based on extensive sludge dewatering and their stabilization in sludge dewatering reed beds with suitable wetland vegetation can be an alternative to other technologies. Especially in combination with constructed wetland (CW) based WWTPs, which are characterized by lower sludge production.

Ash management in the circular economy of municipalities

Ash from small heat sources is produced by burning solid fuels such as wood and coal. Based on a survey conducted by the article authors, ash from small heat sources can be considered the most significant waste stream in smaller municipalities in the Czech Republic. This material has considerable potential for reducing waste production, landfilling and consumption of primary raw materials.