List of articles from – 4/2022

Bacteria from the family Enterobacteriaceae in reused water and their antibiotic susceptibility

The aim of this study is to evaluate the presence of bacteria from the Enterobacteriaceae family (i.e. total coliforms, thermotolerant coliforms and Escherichia coli) in different types of recycled waters (grey water, rain water and reclaimed water from the public city fountains) and problems with their detection (especially ensitivity and specificity of detection methods). The species composition of coliform bacteria in purified grey waters with their antibiotic resistance are presented.

River ferries on old topographic maps

Medium and large rivers were a major obstacle to historic trade routes and trails. River ferries were one of the main ways to cross them, so their sites were considered points of strategic importance. Using old topographic maps from Austrian military mapping from 1763–1768, 1836–1852, 1876–1880, Prussian military maps from 1825 and 1877, and Czechoslovak military maps from 1953–1957, we systematically located ferries throughout the current territory of Czechia. Map keys from individual mappings were also analysed to examine how ferries are depicted on these maps. Based on the study of old topographic maps, a geographical database was created with the location of individual ferries, including the period in which the river ferry was registered. A total of 514 historical ferries were recorded on old topographic maps from military mapping throughout Czechia; another 28 ferries were identified from other available, more detailed, map sources.

Atmospheric deposition as a possible source of surface water pollution (Preliminary results of the project, part 1 – heavy metals)

Na pilotních lokalitách v Jizerských horách, Moravskoslezských Beskydech a na Českomoravské vrchovině byly v průběhu jednoho roku sledovány koncentrace vybraných těžkých kovů v atmosférické depozici a povrchové vodě s cílem určit významnost vlivu srážek na kvalitu povrchových vod v antropogenně málo ovlivněném prostředí. Dosažené výsledky ukazují, že u vybraných kovů může atmosférická depozice v některých případech představovat významný vnos do povrchových vod. Na výslednou bilanci látkového odnosu má zásadní vliv charakter prostředí a jeho zatížení v minulosti.

Food waste issues in relation to the mandatory reporting of its production for the needs of the Waste Framework Directive

From this year, European Union member states are obliged to introduce preventive measures that will reduce the amount of food waste at all stages of the food chain. This article deals with this current topic, presents possible procedures for obtaining data on food waste production at various stages of the food chain, and shows the results of our own research and analysis about the usability of these data for reporting obligations and demonstrating future reductions.

A review article of Rapid Small-Scale Column Tests

Rychlotesty v malých kolonkách (Rapid Small­‑Scale Column Tests – RSSCTs) jsou testy, které lze použít pro snadné laboratorní ověření účinnosti adsorpce mikropolutantů na vybraný adsorbent. Volba adsorbentu je nejdůležitějším aspektem při zařazení technologie adsorpce do provozu úpravny vod nebo čistírny odpadních vod (ČOV). Testy probíhají ve zmenšeném měřítku, což minimalizuje náklady na materiál i vlastní realizaci testů. Článek se zaměřuje na adsorpci na granulovaném aktivním uhlí (GAU), jelikož je to nejčastěji používaný typ adsorbentu.

Citation analysis of VTEI

The citation rate of a journal is considered an indicator of its quality. This study presents a citation analysis of the VTEI journal, published by the T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institute (hereinafter TGM WRI). The citation analysis was conducted to identify the countries and institutions of authors who cite articles published in VTEI and the subject areas in which articles published in VTEI are cited. The identification of citing articles was complicated by the wide range of forms of VTEI journal title notation, as well as errors in the Scopus database. Therefore, the search was performed in several steps and the search query was gradually expanded. Descriptive statistics methods and cluster analysis using VOSviewer software were used for the analyses. A total of 126 publications were searched in the Scopus database, but only 108 publications were included in the analysis. These 108 articles quoted 152 articles published in VTEI. The number of VTEI citations has increased from sporadic citations prior to 2009 to more than 20 citing publications in 2020 and more than 30 cited publications in 2021. The majority of citations were received by articles published in VTEI within the first six years of publication, and the citation rate for articles published between 2009 and 2021 is relatively even. Authors from 66 institutions in 16 countries, mainly in Europe, contributed to the citing publications. However, authors from the Czech Republic were dominantly involved in citations and, in many cases, these were authors of articles published in VTEI. The main areas where articles published in VTEI are cited are environmental sciences, specifically the impacts of climate change on water management and hydrology, and water quality assessment using the water footprint.

Risk assessment as a comprehensive approach to protection of drinking water sources

Drinking water supply as well as its quality form one of the basic pillars of modern society. This corresponds to the goal of the International Water Association (IWA) – good, safe and drinkable water, which enjoys consumer confidence and can be not only drunk without fear, but in which the consumer also appreciates its taste and aesthetic appearance. In order to meet these objectives, it is important to set drinking water quality requirements and also to keep the whole process of drinking water production and distribution, including all risk areas, under continuous control.

Assessment of responsible water management in industrial enterprises

This article is available in Czech only. For translation or more information on this topic, please contact author. Nebývalé množství srážek, které se v České republice vyskytly v první polovině letošního roku, dávají alespoň laické veřejnosti zapomenout na problémy se suchem a nedostatkem vody z předchozích let. I přesto zůstává sucho problémem, na který je zapotřebí se připravit. V odborné literatuře… Read more »