Interview with microbiologist RNDr. Dana Baudišová, Ph.D.
Microorganisms are a very important and admirable part of the living nature system. Their importance is associated mainly with the impact on human health, ie with medical microbiology. On the topic of an interview with microbiology microbiologist RNDr. Dana Baudišová, Ph.D.
Monitoring of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater – what the monitoring has shown us so far and where it is headed
Since April 2020, the presence of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater has been monitored at TGM WRI, p.r.i. The method of detection is similar to that of clinical samples, ie the presence of a specific fragment of viral RNA is detected by PCR.
Coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 in surface and wastewater
The paper provides actual clear information about viruses and coronaviruses, including SARS-CoV-2, the possibility of contamination of surface water and wastewater by this virus.
Interview with RNDr. Eva Kočková, a long-time employee of TGM WRI in the field of hydrochemistry and water quality assessment
„Voda“ jako nenahraditelný přírodní zdroj života Vás provázela celou Vaší profesní kariérou, kterou jste započala hned po dokončení studia organické chemie v roce 1954 na brněnské Masarykově universitě…
Water management fifty 2019
Výzkumný ústav vodohospodářský T. G. Masaryka, v. v. i., se u příležitosti oslav své 100leté existence ujal organizace 46. ročníku Vodohospodářské padesátky. Kromě klasického výběru mezi kolem a pohorkami se letos mohli účastníci vůbec poprvé svézt i na koloběžce.
Water recreation in Prague from history to the present days
Náhled do historie ukázal, že rekreace u vody, jako záliba k trávení volného času, byla odedávna rozšířena i v Praze, kde byly velmi oblíbené, dnes již zaniklé, říční plovárny. Na historický průzkum navázal v projektu „Možnosti vodní rekreace na území hlavního města Prahy (od historie po současnost)“ zcela aktuální průzkum potenciálních možností rozšíření míst ke koupání a rekreace u vody na území Prahy.
Environment quality of water elements of heritage protected areas
Water elements represent a significant part of the environment of cultural heritage sites, conservation zones and areas. To fulfil the required functions, which may include social, historical, recreational and educational, but also environmental functions; it is necessary to ensure their corresponding target state.
Microbial pollution of surface waters
The aim of this study is a summary of problems dealing with microbial pollution of flowing surface waters in the Czech Republic. Limits of counts of indicator microorganisms in current legislation and technical standards are presented, together with characteristics of the mostly used indicators of faecal pollution and methods of their detection.
Submerged cultural and natural heritage of South Moravia
The project “Submerged cultural and natural heritage of South Moravia“ was solved in the T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institute, p. r. i., in 2013–2016. Project DF13P01OVV012 was founded by the Programme of applied research and development of national and cultural identity (NAKI) supported by Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.
Floods and drought in flooded villages in southern Moravia, how the chronicles, photos and stories captured them
In the period 2013-2016 was solved the project program NAKI Ministry of Culture called “Flooded cultural and natural heritage of South Moravia” by the team of experts from various fields that straddle the TGM WRI, p. r. i.