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Surface Water Status Assessment for the Third Cycle River Basin Management Plan of the Czech Republic

The aim of this article is to acquaint the professional public with the summary results of the assessment of chemical status and ecological status/potential of surface water bodies “river” and “lake” categories in the Czech Republic for 2016–2018.
This assessment is one from the basis for preparation of the Third River Basin Management Plan (2021–2027) at all its levels: sub-basin plans, national plans, and international plans of the Elbe, Danube, and Oder river basin districts.

Interview with RNDr. Petr Marvan, CSc., an important Czech expert on diatoms

Milí čtenáři, v tomto čísle našeho časopisu vám přinášíme rozhovor s naším předním odborníkem na rozsivky a někdejším zaměstnancem Výzkumného ústavu vodohospodářského (VÚV TGM) Petrem Marvanem, který 29. dubna letošního roku oslavil 90. narozeniny.

The Danube Joint Exploration 4 – the largest international river expedition of 2019 is approaching

V červnu 2019 bude na Den Dunaje zahájena největší mezinárodní říční expedice roku – Společný průzkum Dunaje 4 (Joint Danube Survey 4, JDS4) ve 13 zemích v povodí Dunaje včetně České republiky.

River basin monitoring to assess the impact of nature-friendly measures

As part of the Drought project, a comprehensive monitoring of watercourses and land in their catchment areas was launched in the Czech Republic to assess the impact of the implementation of revitalization actions to protect against the effects of drought.

Classification of surface water quality

This article deals with new Czech Standard 75 7221 Water quality – Classification of surface water quality [1] and replaces the previous 19 years old standard [2]. It was necessary to take into account actual demands of the surface water protection from two points of view: pollution indicator selection and current environmental quality standards. The range of pollution indicators and limit values of water classification were revised.

Dams and aquatic invertebrates

The construction of water dams fundamentally changes nature and landscape not only in the flooded areas but also out of them, including all structures and links and leading to habitat loss. Three characteristically different South Moravian water reservoirs – the Vranov Dam, the Brno Dam and system of water reservoirs of Nové Mlýny have been studied in the project “Submerged cultural and natural heritage of South Moravia” (DF13P01OVV012) supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic.

Potential of the nature-friendly measures application for water retention in the landscape and improvement of the ecological status of water bodies

An analysis and assessment of the nature-friendly measures potential for water retention in the landscape were carried out as a part of the work on the concept of protection against drought impacts in the Czech Republic.

Evaluation of the impacts of drought on aquatic and water-bound organisms in surface water bodies

Within the framework of the sub-task “Evaluation of the impacts of drought on aquatic and water-bound organisms in surface water bodies“ a project involving activities to support the state administration in the drought issue in 2016 was prepared mainly a review of the potential impacts of drought on individual elements and indicators of water status assessment.

Risk assessment of drying up of small streams in the Czech Republic

A categorization of the Czech Republic territory in terms of the risk of drying up of small streams (1st to 4th order by Strahler) was proposed. Three levels of risk (low, medium and high) for basic hydrological units (catchment) were set. The risk levels were defined using selected abiotic characteristics of the hydrological units and their combinations.