The AdaptaN II Project – from words to action
Over the last few years we have seen – let‘s not be afraid to say it – a flurry of different adaptation strategies, action plans, and other documents describing what to do to prepare for various problems, especially the impacts of climate change. It is therefore time to start fulfilling the ideas of the above-mentioned documents and putting them into practice. The project “Integrated Approaches of the Moravian-Silesian Region Landscape to Climate Change Adaptation” (abbreviated as AdaptaN II), which was launched in July 2021 and will last until 30 June 2024, also aims to contribute to the implementation of one of the above documents, namely the Adaptation Strategy of the Moravian-Silesian Region to the Impacts of Climate Change. This international Project is funded by the Norway Grants, „Bergen“ call for proposals, i.e. support for the implementation of selected nature-related adaptation and mitigation measures (the programme is administered by the State Environmental Fund of the Czech Republic).
Activities of the Civic Forum of the Water Management Research Institute in 1989 and 1990
Organizační a dislokační struktura pražských složek Výzkumného ústavu vodohospodářského (VÚV) byla v roce 1989 dosti členitá. Skládal se jednak z tradičních složek vodohospodářského výzkumu, označovaného souhrnně úsek 20 se sídlem v Podbabě, experimentální skupina věnující se problematice čištění odpadních vod byla umístěna v prostorách budovy v Papírenské ulici.
Looking back at the National Water Dialogue 2018
The traditional meeting of the water management public, representatives of the state administration and self-government, which has already been known as the National Water Dialogue, took place from 18 to 19 May. September 2018. This year’s eighth continuation of the event brought two organizational changes.
Process of implementation of Directive 2007/60/EC on the assessment and management of flood risks in conditions of the Czech Republic
The purpose of the Directive 2007/60/EC on the Assessment and Management of Flood Risks (Flood Directive) is to prevent or reduce negative consequences of floods by preparing flood risk management plans.
Strategy for protection against negative impacts of floods and erosion phenomena by nature‑friendly measures in the Czech Republic
The article describes reasons and circumstances why the project “Strategy of flood and erosion protection by natural water retention measures“ was initiated.