The “Water Centre” project is in its second half and presents its results
The Environment for Life programme, funded by the Technology Agency of the Czech Republic, has created research centers focused on environmental issues. One of them is the “Change4Water”, which is the acronym of the “Water Management in the Czech Republic in the Context of Climate Change” project. The lead organization is T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institute, p. r. i. (TGM WRI). Other seven partner organizations are the Nature Conservation Agency of the Czech Republic (NCA CR), Czech University of Life Sciences (CZU), Czech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Civil Engineering (FCE CTU), Czech Hydrometeorological Institute (CHMI), CzechGlobe, The Silva Tarouca Research Institute for Landscape and Ornamental Gardening, p. r. i. (VÚKOZ), and the University of Chemistry and Technology, Prague (UCT). The project duration is from July 2020 to December 2026, so currently halfway through its duration.
Municipal waste management in the light of new regulations
Modern municipal services in solid waste management usually include cleaning and cleaning of public spaces, collection, transport, recycling and disposal of generated waste. Solid waste management services are among the most expensive and complicated municipal work systems for the public. At the same time, it can also be the least awarded communal service. Water, electricity, firefighting and police protection meet the daily needs of residents and businesses fundamentally and immediately. Therefore these services are given a much higher priority by the community and its leadership. Waste management services are usually one of the most minor „fragrant“ public services, but their flawless functionality and efficiency have far-reaching implications.
Testing of a prototype separation device designed for rainwater treatment
Článek shrnuje poznatky získané v rámci řešení výzkumného projektu „Technologie separace specifických polutantů ze srážkových vod“ (TH03030223), který se zabýval čištěním srážkových vod ze zpevněných ploch a komunikací zatížených nerozpuštěnými látkami (NL), polycyklickými aromatickými uhlovodíky i těžkými kovy. Projekt si kladl za cíl vyvinout účinnou technologii, která by uvedené polutanty ze srážkových vod separovala.
Drainage and sewage treatment in Moldova – current state and perspectives
The article provides basic information on the current state of drainage and sewage treatment in Moldova. These data are a summary of survey findings from individual localities (usually cities over 10 000 inhabitants) carried out within the framework of the Czech Republic’s foreign development cooperation project.
Water sampling specialist and requirements for his professional competence
Testing laboratory is responsible for the sampling for the purposes of the Water Act, the Water Supply and Sewerage Act and the Public Health Protection Act. Requirements for the qualification and further training of samplers are defined by the laboratory in its controlled documentation, while in the case of water sampling; the new minimum requirements are set in the standard ČSN EN ISO 5667-14.