Články autora

Damping of artificial wetlands

Kolmatace je zcela přirozeným jevem, ale v umělých mokřadech využívaných k čištění a dočišťování odpadních vod je jevem nežádoucím. Proto je nutné při návrhu a provozování umělých mokřadů dodržovat zásady, které mohou vznik a rozvoj kolmatace významně omezit.

Open day of TGM Water Research Institute, p. r. i.

On Saturday, June 4, 2016 was held on the occasion of World Environment Day under the auspices of the Minister of the Environment Mgr. Richard Brabec Open Day TGM Water Research Institute, p. r. i.

Constructed wetlands – design parameters, operating experiences and intensification possibilities

Horizontal and vertical flow constructed wetlands belong among frequently used near-natural methods of treatment of wastewater from small municipalities in the Czech Republic. They consist of one or more filter fields connected in series or in parallel.

The research of water springs in cities

During 2011–2015 we have studied water springs remaining in big cities. The main objective was verifying the possibility of using local springs as local sources of water in risk situations as failures of water or energy supply systems.

Danube Art Master 2015

Under the auspices of the Global Water Partnership Central and Eastern Europe (GWP CEE) and the International Commission for the Protection of the Danube (ICPD) was held next Annualof the art competition Danube Art Master.