17th conference Radionuclides and ionizing radiation in water management
The annual conference Radionuclides and ionizing radiation in water management took place on 21st and 22nd May 2024 at the Clarion Hotel in České Budějovice. The expert guarantor was Ing. Barbora Sedlářová (TGM WRI) and the organizational guarantor was Jan Kříž (ČVTVHS, z. s.). The conference was attended by 63 experts, of which 58 from the Czech Republic and 5 from Slovak Republic.
Vertical distribution of radioactive caesium-137 in soil
In the past, the environment of the Czech Republic was contaminated with anthropogenic radionuclides as a result of atmospheric nuclear weapon testing and the Chernobyl accident. The paper summarises results of vertical migration of 137Cs in soil in selected sites, performed as part of collecting data for ground water vulnerability assessment. Three sites with a different land cover were included (forest, meadow and arable land). In order to determine vertical migration of anthropogenic radionuclides, soil samples were collected up to the depth of 100 cm and subsequently analysed using the gamma-ray spectrometry.
Impact of the Nuclear power plant Temelín on concentration of selected radionuclides in the hydrosphere
The paper presents results and interpretation of long-term monitoring of occurrence and behaviour of selected radionuclides in the vicinity of the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant (Temelin NPP).
Determination of low level tritium concentrations for tritium tracing applications
Past tests of nuclear weapons in the atmosphere, nuclear energy facilities and tritium of natural origin are main sources of tritium in the environment. Thanks to its presence in environment and its favourable properties, tritium is used as a radiotracer.
Development of selected radionuclides in surface water in the vicinity of the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant in the period 1990–2016
The paper presents results and interpretation of long-term monitoring of occurrence and behaviour of radioisotopes 3H, 90Sr and 137Cs in surface water in the vicinity of the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant. 3H, 90Sr and 137Cs originate predominantly from residual contamination due to atmospheric nuclear weapons tests and the Chernobyl disaster in the last century.
Cooperation of Water Research Institute and Povodí companies, state enterprise within the framework of radiation monitoring network of the Czech Republic
The paper sums up the legislative framework and cooperation of TGM Water Research Institute and Povodí companies, state enterprises.
Concentration of artificial radionuclides in hydrosphere affected by Temelín Nuclear Power Plant
Temporal and spatial changes in concentrations of selected radionuclides (tritium, radiostrontium and radiocaesium) were assessed in the parts of the Vltava and Elbe river basins affected by the operation of the Temelín Nuclear Power Plant.
Rapid method of determination of gross beta activity
In connection to the assessment of a radiological event, the procedure of rapid determination of the gross beta activity in water was proposed and validated. In cooperation with the radiological laboratories, the method has been tested in practice.