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Future water demand scenarios to 2050: sectoral analyses and forecasts

This article presents the results of the sub-objective “Scenarios of future water demands for different climate scenarios and individual sec-tors of water use” (DC 1.1). Which is part of TA CR project No. SS02030027 “Water systems and water management in the Czech Republic and climate change conditions (Water Centre)” and is a sub-part of the WP 1 “Prediction of the development of water resources security in the Czech Republic until 2050 in regions depending on climate change”.

One hundred years ago, director Olga Růžičková was born

This article is available in Czech only. For translation or more information on this topic, please contact author. V letošním roce by se dožila režisérka a scenáristka Olga Růžičková1 (rozená Sixtová)2 sta let. Narodila se 10. února 1921 ve Velimi3 a zemřela poměrně nedávno, 18. října 2019, v Praze-Spořilově v důsledku vážné nemoci. Čtenář tohoto… Read more »

One hundred and fifty years ago, the Water Act No. 71/1870 was issued

This year it has been exactly one and a half centuries since the issue of the Czech Provincial Act No. 71/1870, about how water can be used, collected and defended.

Climatic changes in the Dryas and early Holocene – sea level rise and its impact on the migration of civilizations in the Middle East and the Indian Ocean area

Běžná historie či archeologie je v současnosti sice značně vyspělým oborem, který již dávno překonal v průběhu dvacátého století své původní, spíše jen humanitní, zaměření – při hlubším seznámení s řadou publikovaných příspěvků či monografií však lze shledat určitý deficit ve vazbě na poměrně nedávné poznatky z oblasti historie změn klimatu.

A multi-part and audience success story of Czech Television “Vltava in Pictures”

Within the Czech Television Documentary Cycle “Searching for Lost Time” (460 parts), a separate section (the so-called thematic ministry) “Vltava in Pictures” was also presented, which presented the longest river Vltava in the Czech Republic. The set of documentaries has a total of 86 parts (26 hours of broadcasting time) and systematically progresses from the source of the river to its confluence with Elbe in Mělník.

Expected cruise of Roman ships from Carnunt to Mušov – I

Discussed the issue of the possible use of transport Morava River and Thaya to Musov can be divided into two historically documented, relatively short time, the stages where you can find only minimal mutual respect.

The oldest in paper form documented use of water power in Bohemia at the Únětický brook

This contribution is the first of a series of thematically similar articles – the author would like to familiarize the reader with the oldest recorded reports on the utilization of the energy of watercourses in Bohemia during the early Middle Ages.

Legal relations to waters during the reign of the Luxembourg dynasty

This year could every citizen of our country record a truly remarkable anniversary – the 700th anniversary of the birth of Charles IV.