Historic floods on Rakovnický stream
This year, TGM WRI is planning to publish a book by Kašpárek, Elleder, Šírová, Dragoun, and Kašpárek Jr., dedicated to floods in the Rakovnický stream basin. It is primarily focused on the occurrence of floods before the start of instrumental observation, that is before 1898. Its purpose is to maximally expand knowledge about the frequency, seasonality, and most significant flood cases, their causes, extent, impact, and damage over the last 500 years.
Fish stocks of water elements in heritage protected complexes
The aim of this article is to present the results and conclusions of research which focused on recommending an appropriate approach for the creation and maintenance of fish stocks in various types of water elements, from small ornamental pools to formal water elements and large close-to-nature fish ponds. These elements form part of cultural monument complexes and heritage protected settlements (especially historic gardens and chateau parks, religious complexes, village and urban heritage reserves). Detailed results are described of a twoyear investigation of various types of water elements located in Kroměříž gardens, Červené Poříčí Chateau, and the former monastery in Osek, near Teplice, as examples of cultural monuments and their water elements. Issues of possible management of fish stocks, modifications of the aquatic environment to ensure stable conditions for fish farming, and the reduction of negative interaction of pollution and excessive or inappropriately chosen fish stocks and aesthetic perception of water elements are discussed. The results of the field investigations have shown an unsatisfactory state of virtually all locations due to water eutrophication, overgrowth of vegetation in some water elements, unregulated interventions in fish stocks, and uncontrolled fishing resulting in the reduction of predatory species population and the occurrence of invasive species. At the same time, a relatively low awareness of the possibilities of regulating fish stocks and of the principles of sustainable maintenance have been found.
Annotation of the exhibition Irrigation – rediscovered heritage, its documentation and popularization
As a response to landscape drainage in the modern era, caused by the intensification of agriculture, the drying up of ponds, and land reclamation activities, interest in the opposite process has reappeared, i.e. irrigation. Existing irrigation systems, at present often non-functional and preserved only in parts, have become the subject of interest for this project which tried to capture the historical development of this specific water management field as well as part of the industry associated with the implementation of irrigation and the production of soil irrigation equipment.
Interview with Dr. Yelizaveta Chernysh, a new Ukrainian researcher at TGM WRI
Interview with Dr. Yelizaveta Chernysh, a new Ukrainian researcher at TGM WRI
Interview with Ing. Eva Juranová, head of the Department of Analysis and Assessment of Environmental Components at TGM WRI
This article is available in Czech only. For translation or more information on this topic, please contact author. Paní inženýrko, ve svém výzkumu se zaměřujete především na problematiku radioaktivity v životním prostředí. Bylo toto téma již od počátku v centru vaší badatelské pozornosti? Ano, dá se to tak říct. Ve VÚV TGM jsem jako čerstvý absolvent začínala… Read more »
Interview with Mrs. Heide Jekel, President of the International Commission for the Protection of the Elbe
The day you receive this issue of VTEI magazine, it rarely coincides with the date of the Magdeburg Seminar, organized by the International Commission for the Protection of the Elbe (ICPOL). We therefore take this opportunity to bring you a brief interview with the current President of this Commission, Mrs. Heide Jekel. You can find her biographical profile under the interview.
Interview with foreign researchers who decided to build their careers in the Czech Republic
Interview with TGM WRI employees who came from abroad and decided to build their careers in the Czech Republic. The interview brings differences between study and employment abroad and in the Czech Republic in the field of water management.
Interview with RNDr. Hana Mlejnková, Ph.D., on the topic of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater
Interview with RNDr. Hana Mlejnková, Ph.D., on the topic of SARS-CoV-2 in wastewater, if is it possible to become infected from wastewater and will monitoring continue?
Interview with JUDr. Vratislav Janda, Nestlé’s Director of Corporate Affairs for the Czech Republic
Interview with JUDr. Vratislav Janda, Nestlé’s Director of Corporate Affairs for the Czech Republic on waste, water consumption and environmental sustainability.
Prof. Ing. Pavel Gabriel, DrSc., dr. h. c. passed away
On 23 January 2020, a long-term employee of the T. G. Masaryk Water Research Institute, p.r.i., prof. Ing. Pavel Gabriel, DrSc., Dr. h. c. passes away.
Ing. Pavel Horák, CSc. died.
Dvacátého čtvrtého listopadu, na sklonku minulého roku, zemřel Ing. Pavel Horák, CSc., který pracoval v našem výzkumném ústavu na brněnské pobočce téměř čtyřicet let.
Interview with Ing. Tomáš Urban, Director of TGM WRI, p.r.i.
Interview with Ing. Tomáš Urban, Director of the TGM Water Research Institute, p.r.i., on his position as Director of the Water Research Institute, the National Drought Coalition and much more.
What is the current state of drought in the Czech Republic and is a reason to worry?
These and other questions were answered by experts who come into contact with drought and water shortages daily.
Interview with the hydrobiologist RNDr. Zdeňka Žáková, CSc.
Interview with the hydrobiologist RNDr. Zdeňka Žáková, CSc. on the topic of her long-term practice, natural sewage treatment plant and Flooded cultural and natural heritage of South Moravia project.
Interview with doc. Ing. Antonín Buček, CSc., czech landscape ecologist
Interview with doc. Ing. Antonín Buček, Ph.D., czech landscape ecologist, on the topic of the project and published book Flooded the cultural and natural heritage of South Moravia.
Rozhovor s prof. Ing. Zdeňkem Žaludem, Ph.D., profesorem na Mendelově univerzitě v Brně na téma změny klimatu
Sdělovací prostředky reagují především na aktuální situace a vzhledem k vyššímu výskytu extrémních situací, jako jsou epizody sucha, vlny veder, výskyt intenzivních srážek, je jejich komentování přirozeně častějším mediálním tématem. Z pohledu člověka odtrženého od přírody se může množství a frekvence tohoto typu informací zdát skutečně vysoká.
Interview with Ing. Berenikou Peštová, Ph.D., Deputy Minister of the Environment on the topic of water planning
Rozhovor s náměstkyní ministra životního prostředí Ing. Berenikou Peštovou, Ph.D., na téma plánování v oblasti vod a otázky k problematice vodního zákona.
Interview with a head of the Department of Irrigation and Landscape Engineering at the Faculty of Civil Engineering doc. Dr. Ing. Tomáš Dostál
Interview with a head of the Department of Irrigation and Landscape Engineering at the Faculty of Civil Engineering doc. Dr. Ing. By Tomáš Dostál on the topic of universities and recruitment of students, floods and droughts.