The idea of interviewing artificial intelligence was brought to us by an article from a completely different field than our water management. However, we also had the idea to test the current level of artificial intelligence on topics that are close to our field. Based on examples of questions and generated answers, you can judge for yourself how useful this tool is in water management. The structure of the questions is built from the simplest to the most complicated in the form of comments on the results of forecasting models, or the effectiveness and efficiency of legal regulations and directives. ChatGPT was chosen for communication. However, if one does not try this tool, one has no idea what it is; it is then up to you to assess the interview itself.
However, before the interview, allow us a few words of introduction. Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become one of the most discussed topics in the field of technology in recent years. AI encompasses a wide range of technologies that allow computers to learn and recognize patterns, predict outcomes, and even simulate human thinking. This technology is used widely, in healthcare and production to financial services and media. One of the biggest benefits of AI is its ability to solve complex issues and process huge amounts of data faster. This enables, for example, doctors to diagnose diseases faster, companies to identify new business opportunities, and authorities to improve citizen safety and protection.
However, the development of artificial intelligence can also be accompanied by several challenges and concerns. One of the most fundamental concerns is the reduction of jobs, as many work activities that were previously done by humans may be replaced by AI. There are also concerns about privacy and data security, as AI has the potential to collect and analyze large amounts of information about people. It is therefore important to ensure that AI is used responsibly and ethically.
Artificial intelligence has huge potential to improve our lives; however, its use needs to be carefully considered. Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that it is used in a way that brings benefits to society while respecting people’s privacy and security. It is essential that developers, politicians, and the public work together to define fair and responsible principles for its use.
Now, let us start the interview:
Hello, I would like to talk to you about water management. Is it possible?
Hello! Yes, I would like to talk to you about water management. What specific questions and interests do you have in this area?
What is water and how important is it to life on Earth?
Water is a chemical compound that is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom (H2O). Water is essential for life on Earth, as it forms the basic component of all living organisms and is a key component of the environment. Water is important for many processes, such as digestion, metabolism, and excretion of waste products.
Water also plays an important role in climate regulation as it helps maintain a constant temperature on Earth and transfers heat energy from one place to another. Water also serves as a source of energy, such as hydroelectric power stations.
Last but not least, water is essential for agriculture and industry, as well as for human activities such as drinking, cooking, and washing. Overall, it can be said that water is an essential element for sustaining life on Earth and is important for the functioning of the entire ecosystem.
Name the areas on Earth that are experiencing water scarcity/lack of drinking water.
Water scarcity and lack of drinking water are huge problems in many areas of the world. Some of the most affected areas are:
- Sahel in Africa,
- Middle East and North Africa, including Syria, Jordan, and Iraq,
- Indian subcontinent, especially northern and western India and Pakistan,
- South and Southeast Asia, including Bangladesh, Thailand, and Vietnam,
- Western United States and California, US,
- South Africa, especially Cape Province and other areas.
These areas are either too dry to meet water needs or suffer from insufficient infrastructure to supply water to the population. These problems are often caused by climate change, excessive water consumption, and excessive water extraction for industrial and agricultural purposes.
You mentioned climate change. How big of an impact does this change have on water security?
Climate change has a major impact on water availability worldwide. As temperatures rise and precipitation patterns change, extreme weather events such as droughts, floods, and storms occur that have a significant impact on water supplies.
Droughts are becoming more frequent and intense in many areas of the world, resulting in a drop in groundwater levels and depletion of water resources. In addition, climate change also affects precipitation, which can lead to water shortages for agriculture and drinking water for residents.
Additionally, rising temperatures can cause increased evaporation of water from sources such as lakes and rivers, which also reduces the availability of water for humans and animals. As a result, it becomes increasingly difficult to secure sufficient water for agriculture, industry, and human needs.
Overall, it can be said that climate change is one of the main factors that cause water scarcity, and that has a great impact on the living conditions of the population.
You mentioned climate change consequences with water. What do you think are the appropriate measures to ensure a sufficient amount of water?
Many measures can be taken to ensure sufficient water and to manage the impacts of climate change. Here are some examples:
- Improving water supply infrastructure – this includes building new dams, reservoirs, canals, and aqueducts to transport water to where it is needed.
- Conservation of natural resources – in this way water losses caused by evaporation and soil erosion can be minimized. Furthermore, it is necessary to protect forests, which play an important role in regulating rainfall and preserving water resources.
- Implementation of water-saving measures – in this way water consumption in households, industry, and agriculture can be reduced. This includes, for example, the installation of energy-saving equipment, irrigating plants using technologies with low water demands_and using recycled water.
- Promoting sustainable agriculture – farming practices such as switching to no-till farming, using organic fertilizers, and drip irrigation can help minimize water loss and maintain soil fertility.

Bing Chat – questioning AI on-line
Improving the management and monitoring of water resources – effective management of water resources and monitoring of water quality and quantity can help minimize water losses and ensure sufficient water supplies for future generations.
Overall, a comprehensive approach to water sufficiency needs to be put in place, encompassing all these elements and tailored to local conditions and needs.
The introduction of a comprehensive approach to ensuring a sufficient amount of water also has a financial aspect. How much money should society spend on water management to maintain water well-being?
It is difficult to determine the exact amount that society should spend on water management to maintain water well-being, as it depends on many factors, such as the extent and nature of water problems, the need for infrastructure, economic conditions, etc.
However, a 2019 United Nations report estimated that investment in water infrastructure would need to reach around $1.7 trillion annually over the next decade to ensure a sustainable water supply for all people in the world. This amount includes not only investments in new infrastructures but also the maintenance and modernization of existing equipment and systems.
It is important to note that spending money on water management may seem like a high cost, but it can bring many benefits in the long run. Improving water management not only ensures the sustainability of water supplies for future generations, but also brings benefits in the form of reduced healthcare costs, increased productivity in agriculture and industry, and reduced risk of disasters caused by floods and droughts.
What development can be expected in water management in the next thirty years?
In the next thirty years, water management can be expected to be increasingly affected by climate change and the growing demand for water from various sectors. Here are some of the possible developments in the field of water management:
- Increased demand for water – as population, urbanization, and industry grow, there will be more and more demand for water. This will lead to increasing pressure on its availability and the efficient use of water resources.
- Improved technology and innovation – innovative technologies will be increasingly used to improve the efficiency and sustainability of water management. For example, improved technologies for wastewater recycling, saltwater desalination, and polluted water treatment.
- The increasing importance of restoring water resources – with climate change and more frequent extreme weather conditions, it will be increasingly important to restore water resources and improve water retention in the landscape.
- Greater emphasis on integration – water management will be more integrated with other sectors such as agriculture, power engineering, and industry to better coordinate the use of water resources and minimize conflicts.
- Increased international cooperation – as many water resources cross national borders, it will be increasingly important to improve cooperation and coordination on an international level.
- Greater support for sustainable water management – new approaches to water management will be promoted that will contribute positively to the sustainability of water resources and environmental improvement.
However, the enforcement of the aforementioned must also have its legislative framework, for example. Please name the legislative instruments in the field of water management at the EU level.
At the EU level, there are several legislative instruments in the field of water management. The following list includes some of the main ones:
- Water Framework Directive – this 2000 Directive sets out the framework for the protection of water resources in the EU, including the protection of aquatic ecosystems and ensuring the quality of surface and groundwater. This Directive aims to achieve good water status by 2027.
- Nitrate Directive – this 1991 Directive aims to reduce nitrate pollution of waters by agricultural activities, especially fertilization.
- Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive – this 1991 Directive sets minimum requirements for the treatment of municipal wastewater throughout the EU.
- Bathing Water Directive – this 1976 Directive sets minimum water quality requirements for bathing at public beaches and other swimming areas.
- Drinking Water Directive – this 1998 Directive sets minimum water quality requirements for human consumption, including maximum permitted values for certain pollutants.
- Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control Directive – this 1996 Directive sets minimum requirements for the control of water and air pollution throughout the EU.
- Fisheries Directive – this 2006 Directive sets minimum requirements for the protection of water resources that are used for fishing.
In your list, you mention the Water Framework Directive from 2000. How effective is this more than twenty-year-old legislative instrument?
The Water Framework Directive was originally adopted in 2000 to achieve good water status in Europe by 2015. This deadline was later extended to 2027. While the Directive has had some successes, the target has not been met in many areas, and in some cases, the situation has even worsened.
The main challenge to the successful implementation of this Directive was that it was issued as a framework directive, meaning that it was designed to allow Member States flexibility in its implementation. However, this has led to a large difference in the interpretation of the Directive and how Member States implement it.
The process of evaluating the Water Framework Directive’s effectiveness and reviewing some of its provisions is currently underway. Following this review, it is probable that further measures will be taken to improve the effectiveness of this Directive.
Thank you for your answers and a pleasant interview.
You are welcome, it was a pleasure to answer your questions and discuss with you. If you have any other questions, do not hesitate to ask me.
(Editor‘s note: the answers have not been edited for content, they have only undergone language proofreading. The original interview was in Czech. This has been translated by a real person. When done in English, the responses to the questions are sometimes quite different (e.g., some non-existent EU Directives were mentioned in response to the question about EU legislation).
The purpose of communication in the form of an interview was to find out the level of knowledge of AI (in our case, ChatGPT) and the way of language composition of individual answers. It should be noted that the ChatGPT tool is not connected to the Internet, it draws all its knowledge from its “crammed” memory, which also has outages from time to time. An example can be supplementary and clarifying questions:
Please verify the information “A 2019 United Nations report estimates that investment in water infrastructure should reach about $1.7 trillion annually over the next decade.“
Yes, the information is correct. A 2019 United Nations (UN) report titled “World Water Development Report 2019: Leaving No One Behind” estimates that to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals related to water, investments in water infrastructure would need to average around $1.7 trillion annually over the next decade (2019–2030). This investment should ensure that all people in the world have access to drinking water and sanitation and hygiene services, and would also improve water management infrastructure and public water resources around the world.
Unfortunately, I could not find such information. Can you specify the information for me, for example, the page of the document where this information is written?
I apologize for the misunderstanding. The information I provided is not accurate. The figures quoted above do not refer to the UN report but are estimates of total infrastructure needs published by the World Economic Forum in 2018.
The UN’s “World Water Development Report 2019: Leaving No One Behind” really focuses on the challenges and needs of water management. Among other things, this UN report states that by 2030, it is estimated that around $114 billion will need to be invested annually in water infrastructure worldwide. This amount applies mainly to improving water management services and infrastructure in lower-income countries.
Again, I apologize for the incorrect information and I hope I can provide you with this information.
It can be seen from the above that in many cases the AI “invents” the answer and can claim complete nonsense. This cannot be taken as an “error”, but a result that follows from the principle on which the tool works. If we compare the level of similar tools a few years ago, progress has rocketed. One can only guess to what level the AI tool will move in the next months/few years and how this higher level will respond to the same questions.
Generated by artificial intelligence (Midjourney)
This informative article has not been peer-reviewed.